Closing Down But With A Twist



Closing Down But With A Twist

My loves, my girlies, my besties, 
This. Is. It. 
I love Khòlò so hard, but it can also be quite stressful. Too stressful.
After a lot of deliberation (and two weeks of tears)…
I’ve decided to close Khòlò (as we know it) down.
I did have some interest from a lovely woman in NZ to buy it, but you guys slid into my DMs and my heart was like: 
I can’t let this go. As much as there was hardship and stress here, there has been: IMMENSE JOY.  
8th of August, 2024 is your last day to buy your Khòlò. 
Thereafter, please make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletters (and keep me out of your promotions tab) and following us on Insta, because if I find fabric I love when I’m India or I’m bursting to the brim with a beading idea, I’ll drop it and you can pre-order. 
In a way… I might just get to have my cake and eat it too. 
THANK YOU. It has been such a privilege, an honour and a delight to have been chosen by you for your wardrobe. 
I mean it. I know my taste is hella wild and with you, I truly felt for the first time in my life: I FOUND MY TRIBE. 
With every story, every drop, every DM, every dress sold, every loving word, every compliment, you helped me find the woman hidden deeeeeeeeeeep inside of me. 
You taught me to embrace my curls, you taught me to love my huge melons and my tum tum and my baby bum, you taught me sass, you taught me to be open minded about sex, you told me my hardest days of motherhood were incredible, you loved my Indian-ness, you taught me it was safe to be vulnerable and honest and weak and human, you gently taught me each and every day: I was and am enough. 
For this I will be eternally grateful. 
With so much love, 
All orders placed after July 26th, 2024, will be non-refundable and non-exchangeable. Super sorry. xx